Sunday, October 27, 2013


Greets all, It's Kylia aka Bad Apple Girl. I am not really sure where to start in all honesty but really have any of you ever wanted to recreate yourself start a new? I really do.I am twenty years old, white- American female, (who is a lovely plus size girl I might add  ), who's current life is less than exciting.

I suppose you could say I am at an impasse in my life, I feel as though there are those in life who really have it all figured out. There people who either by some strange way another just know what they want out of life, immediately and there are other I suppose who find out later. Then of course, there are the people like myself who are well are a tad bit to impulsive and just take chances; they never really know where they could end up. It's funny though, I never really thought of myself as a risk taker or particularly adventurous but I really do have a firm belief that those of us who really don't know what we are doing and still some how find our selves progressing towards something in our lives are the biggest risk takers of all.

I am sure, that like many other I am not alone in the fact; that really most of the time I don't know what the hell I am doing. Yet, I still manage to go on in some way or another. Life is unexpected and I do believe that the most unexpected things are the best. For instance my best friend's son; he was very unexpected but that doesn't make him in any way less wonderful or an amazing human being.

The point of all this blather I suppose is, though my life is product of my unexpected life choices; I would like some planned events and organization in my life here and there. I'd like to take my Bad Apple self and put my spontaneity to good use; into something a little less spontaneous.

This blog will be an outlet for the inner workings of my mind but also a place where I can post the progress of my life and have my ever changing self written in stone for the world to see or how many of you out actually care about my non sense.

Yours truly,

One bad apple girl

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